May Bender was a painter who studied at the Arts Student League in Manhattan, as well as a well recognized, Clio award winning package designer in Manhattan during the Madmen era ~ the 1960s through the 1990s. With her company MBID (May Bender Industrial Design) she designed many packages and promotional displays for major companies including Krugerrand, Conair, Glemby, Helena Rubenstein, Warner Lambert and Loft candies. She was President of the Package Design Council, and taught packaging design at Parsons in Manhattan.
Yet in addition to her full time career, she painted at the Art Students League in Manhattan in an evening class taught by Vincent Malta, producing fabulous abstract expressionist paintings based on the figure.
Soon, Parson's School of Design in Manhattan will be publishing her seminal design accomplishments online, where students from all over the world can look her up.
Yet in addition to her full time career, she painted at the Art Students League in Manhattan in an evening class taught by Vincent Malta, producing fabulous abstract expressionist paintings based on the figure.